Now that the WMC is over, we intend to hold elections for a new IAM Board. We would like to start a discussion group in January to pool ideas about how the election process could work, who is eligible to vote, and about the number of people on the board, geographical diversity and similar questions. If you would like to join this discussion (which will probably take the form of a WhatsApp group), please let us know by Saturday 6th January. Of course, you can also send us any ideas or feedback on this topic without joining the group.

As soon as the election process is finalised, hopefully within a short timeframe, we will invite anyone who wishes to be a candidate to step forward, and also ask for volunteers to form an election committee who will oversee the elections themselves, prepare the voting, and make sure everything is done fairly. Anyone who wishes to be a candidate cannot also be a member of the election committee (but can still be involved in the discussion mentioned above).

For now, we hope you all have a relaxed and peaceful Christmas/holiday season/New Year!