Below we share a summary of our March board meeting.   8 of 10 members of the board attended.

1. Board Meetings

We decided to set recurring board meetings twice each month to provide consistency and bring together the discussions from various teams’ meetings. We also decided to give regular updates about these meetings

2. Arbiting – Call for action!

We are looking for volunteers interested in starting their arbiter training. You can gather experience and progress towards your goal. 

An arbiting roadmap is being developed to provide for competitions going forwards. 

This is both a longer-term plan for when live competitions can recommence and a more immediate plan for this year’s online competitions. We looked at how we can combine the two plans to provide opportunities for competitors and arbiters.

The Memory League World Tour 2021, a cooperation between Memory League and IAM, opens the possibility for memory competitors to get some hands-on experience and training in arbiting. Numerous volunteers are required for the upcoming Slam Qualifiers and Slam competitions as assistant arbiters. Assisting and competing in the World Tour may also be possible given the spread-out timings of matches.

For those who have ambitions to host live competitions in the future, this training and hands-on experience offers the opportunity to learn and progress in arbiter qualifications and experience. Given the online nature of the competition there are lower costs and barriers to achieving this experience at this time.

If interested, please register your interest by emailing us at by the 21st March. 

3. Public Relations

In PR we talked strategy, how to better communicate with and update the existing memory community.

As we build this strategy we will aim for consistent updates and posts with more regular team meetings to ensure this goal stays on track. We also discussed expanding the variety of channels over time and the possibility of contributions from guest writers.

We hope this a view into our latest Board meeting proved informative and interesting to you. Would you like to continue to see this style of board meeting summaries on a regular basis? Please let us know.

Your IAM PR Team