Hello Memory community,

The Board had its regular meeting again on 25 March.

Attendants: Nathalie, Johannes, Simon.
Duration: 3pm CET – 4pm CET.

The following topics were discussed:

For the planned overhaul of Arbiter progression, Nathalie proposed to have different levels beyond junior arbiter and fully ranked arbiter in order to give arbiters something to aim for.
Simon and Hannes mentioned that in this new age of digital championships, a new and important focus for arbiters might be on anti-cheating measures.

Goals for digital events
It was agreed that ideally the whole process from memorizing to recalling, marking, result upload and result publication should be automated. The IAM software is a great basis for that which could be expanded. Goal: to have a call with members of the IT team on 1 April or 8 April to discuss those topics further.

IAM Level expansion
It was mentioned that some athletes are approaching / have reached level 30 in certain events and that the levels should be expanded beyond 30. A sidepoint was made that in general the Level 1-30 thresholds should not be adjusted with maybe the sole exception of 5 min Images: of all the classical events, it is the youngest, and the potential for higher results was not exhausted when the Levels for it were created. That made the 5 min Images Levels a bit of guesswork back then. It was agreed that both this would be a topic for the new Board to discuss.

Recall time for 5 min Images
Already in a previous meeting, there had been an extensive discussion about this topic and it was decided to adjust the recall time from 15 min to 20 min. The change is effective immediately.

Standard updates
It was mentioned that some Standards need to be raised and that the rules for Standard updates need some additional codification with regards to certain points (standard had been broken more than 3 times; same person breaks a standard more than once). It was agreed to make this a matter for the new Board to decide.

Italian Open 2022
Topics like invitation letters and transportation were discussed.
A more general final discussion a week before the event took place.

Calendar on IAM website
To be checked and updated.

That concludes the overview of our weekly Board meeting.

Best wishes,
Your IAM team