Hello Memory community,

The Board had its regular meeting. Meetings are taking place every two weeks.

Attendants: Andrea, Charifa, Don Michael, Mohamed, Johannes, Simon.

Here is a short summary of what was discussed and decided.

On the Agenda were the following points:

1. Uzbekistan Memory Tournament (14-16 December 2022):
Various topics related to the tournament (arbiter travel, memo data, …) were discussed. Software-related questions, also based on feedback from the software team, were clarified.

2. Memory League World Tour 2023:
Today the new “Memory League Online World Records” section on the IAM statistics page was unveiled. Online world records can be achieved at Slam tournaments and the ML World Championship. Matches need to have a supervisor and a two-camera setup (front and side). A big thanks goes to Katie Kermode for updating the website.

3. WMC 2023:
There are already a number of exciting applications for our 2023 World Championship. We will start talks with them shortly and publish updates as soon as there are new developments.

Best wishes,
Your IAM team